Educational Webinar Series - Covid 19
tis 02 nov.
SAVE THE DATE The International Lebanese Medical Association “ILMA” in collaboration with the Lebanese Society of Infectious Diseases “LSID” will organize a virtual webinar where high experts from Lebanon and Lebanese Diaspora from around the world.

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02 nov. 2021 19:00 EET
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ILMA - International Lebanese Medical Association Educational Webinar Series
In collaboration with the Lebanese Society of Infectious Diseases (LSIDCM), organizes:
The COVID-19: Breaking the Chain
Chair: Dr. Madonna Matar Co-Chair: Dr. Walid Ahmar
SAVE THE DATE The webinar will be held on Tuesday, Nov 2nd, 2021 at 7 pm (Beirut time – UTC+3) via Facebook.
The International Lebanese Medical Association “ILMA” in collaboration with the Lebanese Society of Infectious Diseases “LSID” will organize a virtual webinar where high experts from Lebanon and Lebanese Diaspora from around the world will share their expertise on the current situation of Covid19 pandemic and the different treatment and management: (Lebanese Ministry of Health latest recommendations, Booster third shot vaccine, updates on Covid vaccine, new Covid pills & monoclonal antibody therapy, Covid anticytokine therapeutic recommendations and more…).
Follow the webinar and make your comments on Facebook: (ILMA) or (LOP)